Isaac Julien | Stones Against Diamonds

Agnes Meyer-Brandis | The Moon Goose Analogue

Semiconductor | Worlds in the Making

Phil Coy | Substance – A whole history of hollows and reliefs

Liz Orton | The Longest and Darkest of Recollections

David Jaques | Oil is the Devils Excrement

Ryoichi Kurokawa | unfold.alt
“I urge everyone, no matter your interests, to travel to York to see Strata – Rock – Dust – Stars. This exhibition boasts the importance of interdisciplinary thought, combining science and art to examine and reflect on our everyday actions, our own place in history and alternative landscapes. Stunning.”

Featured Artists
Supported by:
Co-commissioned by York Art Gallery and York Mediale, and curated by Mike Stubbs, former Director of FACT Liverpool.