Inclusive Music Programme
August 2018
Throughout August 2018, York Mediale and Accessible Arts & Media ran a series of workshops open to young people with and without disabilities. The sessions explored digital arts, including; dance, music and film and gave children and young people the chance to explore digital technology and create their own artworks.
The workshops included a musical Hack Camp and animation workshop at Explore York, a dance and interactive film session by Creative Humans at York St John University and a virtual reality workshop at the University of York.
Accessible Arts and Media is a York-based charity. They run fun, inclusive arts and media learning programmes, reaching over 700 people each year. Their activities help people develop the confidence and skills to connect with their local community – having lots of fun on the way!
“Partnering with York Mediale on this year’s workshops will add a different and innovative element, and the work produced will then form part of a showcase during York Mediale itself.”
Learning and Participation Co-ordinator, Accessible Arts & Media